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Electronic Training

Training course online to qualify learners to work in the different departments of hospitals and sick boxes, in laboratories and radiology centers and in the private clinics, which are linked to the diversity of administrative and organizational tasks in dealing with files and medical records, and the management of a medical office

Details and topics of the Diploma of specialized Medical Secretarial
Giving medical reports – medical registration.
Medical terminology.
Medical quality – Control of acquired infections.
Ethics of the hospital.
Communication skills and the art of dealing with different patient styles.
Fundamentals in Management – Office and commercial correspondence.
Various medical records and conservation methods – the organization of the archives.
Telephone call processing.
Organization of meetings – Organization of the Bureau.
Identify and organize visits by reviewers, guests and manager appointments.
Preparing reports and statistics

Diploma in Medical secretarial and hospital management Diploma in Medical secretarial and hospital management