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Ministry Announcements

The efforts of eight government agencies unite in the national programme to combat trade cover-up, which will be a possible arm for Saudis to ownership and engage in business in various commercial and investment sectors, thus contributing to the elimination of commercial concealment and the promotion of private sector growth.
The programme is one of the initiatives of the trade and investment system of the National Transformation Programme 2020, aimed at eliminating commercial concealment through the development of regulations and legislation, intensifying censorship, promoting awareness and consolidating efforts, involving both: the Ministry of Trade and Investment, the Ministry of the Interior, the ministry Labour and Social Development, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, public authority for small and medium enterprises, general Authority for zakat and income, Saudi Arabian Monetary agency, and general authority for investment.
The programme addresses cover-up crimes in all sectors, generates attractive opportunities for Saudis to engage in business activities in all sectors, encourages them to invest, and requires enterprises to implement technical solutions, thus contributing to the regulation of financial transactions and limiting the exit of funds in ways that are detrimental to the national economy.

8 government agencies unite their efforts to eliminate the “commercial concealment” and enable Saudis to engage in commercial activities 8 government agencies unite their efforts to eliminate the “commercial concealment” and enable Saudis to engage in commercial activities