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Preparation of researches and studies

The chamber works to provide information to all categories of beneficiaries and to provide the facilities and capabilities that enable the center to serve them in the best way. Contribute to the dissemination of information by all means, with the aim of advising and informing businessmen and investors about investment opportunities and projects in the economic fields and familiarize them with the channels of communication in the field of import and export in various countries of the world.

Information Services: 1-a comprehensive business centre offering a variety of services including a modern information library.
2. Electronic services that review opportunities, tenders and commercial competitions.
Inquire about the commercial and literary reputation of local and foreign enterprises.
Information services and statistical reports for both Saudi investors and foreign investors and visiting delegations to the Chamber.
Provide subscriber data by beneficiary category.
Market the room releases and attract customers to take advantage of the center’s services.

Preparation of researches and studies Preparation of researches and studies